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GJP2 is hash commonly sent as the gjp2 parameter in many requests. It is used for account authentication, used in place of simply sending the user's password in the request, which is obviously wildly insecure.


The user's GJP2 is a hash, created using the SHA-1 hash function. It takes in the user's password and adds mI29fmAnxgTs as salt, producing a 20-byte hash value.


Hash salts should be random as to prevent the same input from producing the same output. That is the purpose of a salt. Having the salt as an unchanging, arbitrary string defeats the purpose of having a salt. Thank you, Rob.


SHA-1 has long since been considered insecure, and is susceptible to chosen-prefix attacks. Many organizations have recommended it to be replaced with other hash functions, such as SHA-2 or SHA-3. Thank you, Rob.


Here is an example of how one could implement the encoding into code.

import crypto from "crypto"

let hash = crypto.createHash("sha1")
let password = 'password123' // Replace with the user's password
let salt = "mI29fmAnxgTs"

hash.update(password + salt)
let gjp2 = hash.digest('hex')

import hashlib

hash = hashlib.sha1()
password = "password123" # Replace with user's password
salt = "mI29fmAnxgTs"

hash.update((password + salt).encode())
gjp2 = hash.hexdigest()
